Monday 3 December 2012

Astrological factors of Cancer Part 1

Cancer is the disease which owes its origin to abnormal growth of some body cells with respect to others; as the result, the other cells gradually become weaker and ultimately led to perish and as the consequence, the extra-ordinarily grown up cells also face the same fate. In Applied Astrology, Rahu is the significator of greed, cheating tendency, activities harmful to the greater society as the whole. In Hindu mythology, Rahu or Dragon’s head is described as the demon who was beheaded by the lord Vishnu and the cut-off head is designated as Rahu while the beheaded body as Ketu. Since, Rahu drank some nectar before he was beheaded; his head continued living with unfilled thirst for more enjoyment which he never got fully because the more he used to take through his mouth, the more the same could find its way out through the cut-off neck. But in doing this, the demon deprives others who, therefore, grow weaker and as the result, when the neighbours die, the demon itself also dies. In Astrology, the house of the natal chart or its lord or the significator planet for this if afflicted by Rahu either by deposition or by aspect gives rise to the development of Cancer in the organ signified by the concerned house. The same is also applicable to the sign of the Zodiac or its lord. With this, the sixth house or its lord in the natal chart or the sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo or its lord Mercury should also be related. The situation become more grave if relation of the maraka houses viz. second and/or seventh or the corresponding signs of the Zodiac viz. Taurus and/or Libra or their lord Venus, who eventually is designated as the Master of Rahu or the demons as a whole and also as the chief significator of all material enjoyments are involved. The other malefic houses viz. the eighth and the twelfth of the natal chart or the sign Scorpio and Pisces, if related, also aggravate the situation. The other natural malefics viz. Sun, Mars and Saturn, if related with Rahu cause the symptoms of the disease characterized by these planets.       
In this light, the disease Cancer is illustrated with the following cases:
Case 1:

Ketu 6

Moon 2

Sat 24

Birth:- 03/01/1936
Balance Venus Dasa up to 16 years 04 months and 15 days

                    Mars 23
Merc 21

Asc 11

Jup 18
Ven 17
Rahu 20
Sun 20

Astrologically it is the function of Rahu for any sort of disproportionate growth, therefore, the house or planet afflicted by Rahu is likely to cause extra growth signified by the same.
Here, the Ascendant is Leo aspected by three malefics viz. Saturn, Rahu and Mars and its lord Sun is in Saggitarius combined with Rahu. The Ascendant and the Moon-sign Aries are both aspected by malefic debilated Rahu as well as Saturn and Mars. The sign Aries is the significator of the head of the body. The sixth house is occupied by Mars combined with Mercury, the primary maraka for the Ascendant which produces sore and the combination as well as the sign Capricorn being situated in between malefics like Saturn and Rahu, the sore becomes extremely malignant. Therefore, these factors combinedly led to the development of Cancer in Brain.

Case 2:

    Moon 4



Birth:- 23/06/1903
10:53 p.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Moon Dasa up to 4 years 10 months and 19 days

Sat ®


The native was born under Aquarius rising and the Ascendant is hemmed between strong malefics. The eighth house, which is the sixth sign of the Zodiac ruled by Mercury, is occupied by Mars combined with Rahu in mutual aspect with Jupiter combined with Ketu in the primary maraka house viz. second in Pisces. The combination of Jupiter and Ketu is also aspected by malefic Saturn from the twelfth house. The sixth house is occupied by Venus aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. The sixth lord Moon combined with the eighth lord Mercury which is lord of the sixth sign of the Zodiac is posted in the fourth house and aspected by Rahu combined with Mars. Therefore, these factors combinedly developed Cancer in the lower Abdomen region as the result.

Case 3:

Moon 4


Birth:- 26/01/1934
4:30 p.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Mars Dasa up to 4 years 4 months and 24 days
Merc Ven


The native is born under Gemini rising with the Ascendant/fourth lord Mercury combined with third lord Sun, fifth/twelfth lord Venus, eighth/ninth lord Saturn and Rahu posted in the eighth house. Therefore, due to these combinations the native had to suffer from Cancer in the lower part of the body, which caused death.

Case 4:

Moon 06

    Jup Mars
    Sun Ven

Birth:- 17/02/1951
06:00 a.m.
Balance Rahu Dasa up to 15 years 3 months and 10 days



Sat ®

The native is born under Aquarius rising with the seventh lord (secondary maraka) Sun, third/tenth lord Mars (primary maraka), second/eleventh lord Jupiter, fourth/ninth lord Venus and Rahu posted in the Ascendant. Therefore combination of Rahu with its enemy viz. Sun, Mars and Jupiter developed the disease Cancer leading to death.

Case 5:

Sat ® Rahu




Birth:-12/03/1946 9:02 a.m. Balance Rahu Dasa up to 2 years 7 months and 10 days

Jup ®


The native is born under Aries rising with the Ascendant/eighth lord Mars, fourth lord Moon, tenth/eleventh lord Saturn and Rahu combined in the third house viz. Gemini, the significator of Lungs which is also signified by fourth lord Moon posted in Gemini. The third/sixth lord Mercury is debilated in the twelfth house although debilation is cancelled due to the association of exalted Venus. But Venus is strong maraka for the Ascendant and its combination in the twelfth house adds to the malefic nature of Mercury which is also further increased due to the aspect of Saturn combined with Rahu in the third house. Although, an aspect of Jupiter is on this combination in Gemini, but Jupiter being weak in disposition and in mutual aspect with Rahu can not help the native much. These combinations finally resulted in the development of Cancer in the Lungs leading to death.

Case 6:

Sat 26 ®
Ketu 26

               Mars 8
Ven 8
Birth:-11/09/1996 4:30 a.m.

Asc 10
Moon 10
Sun 11

Merc 12 ®
Rahu 13

Jup 20

The native is born under Leo rising which is hemmed between malefics as well as benefics and aspected by Jupiter from the fifth house. The Ascendant is occupied by its lord Sun and the twelfth lord Moon. The second/eleventh lord i.e. primary maraka Mercury is exalted in the second house but combined with strong Rahu and aspected by sixth/seventh lord Saturn posted in the eighth house combined with Ketu. The second house is actually the sixth sign of the Zodiac Virgo and the sixth lord of the natal chart is in mutual aspect with Rahu and Mercury and also combined with Ketu. The sixth house is aspected by Rahu, Mars and Venus. Jupiter although strong in position is also the eighth lord and aspected by malefic Saturn. Thus the sixth house of the natal chart and its lord as also the sixth sign of the Zodiac and its lord both being afflicted by Rahu resulted in the disease Cancer in the lower Abdomen and the patient died after suffering for a long period.

Case 7:



Jup ®

Moon 7
Birth:- 19/09/1938
12:00 a.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Jupiter Dasa up to 3 years 1 month and 20 days





The native is born under Scorpio rising with the Ascendant/sixth lord Mars combined with eighth/eleventh lord Mercury in the tenth house and aspected by second/fifth lord Jupiter. In the sixth house is posted Saturn, the significator of prolonged duration and aspected by strong enemy Mars. The secondary maraka seventh/twelfth lord Venus is posted in the twelfth being combined with Rahu. This result the Cancer in the lower part of the body and the native had to suffer from prolonged pains due to sore, leading to death.

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