Tuesday 25 December 2012

Astrological factors of Exophthalmia

In this disease, the eye-balls of the patients appear somewhat projected outside. This may be due to the result of some other diseases or relating to some genetic defects. The significator of eye in the Zodiac are the Sun and the Moon respectively characterizing the right and the left eye of the human body. The signs involved are Taurus and Pisces signifying respectively the right and the left eye. Correspondingly, in the natal chart the second and the twelfth houses function in the same way. The chief enemies of the Sun and the Moon in the Zodiac are Saturn and Rahu. Therefore, affliction of the respective houses in the natal chart and/or their lords and/or the corresponding signs viz. Taurus and Pisces and/or the Sun and the Moon give rise to different types of diseases relating to eyes. This particular disease owes its origin to affliction of Sun and Moon and/or the respective houses or the signs with Saturn and Rahu together with the sixth house and/or the sixth sign and/or their lords. These principles are exemplified by the following cases:-    

Case 1:

Moon 27
Rahu 26

Jup 23®

Birth:- 26/09/1950
4:55 a.m. (Kolkata)
Balance Mercury Dasa up to 13 years 08 months and 25 days

Merc 11
Ven 11
  Asc Sat 12
Sun 13
Ketu 12

Mars 17

Case Study:-
The native has her eye-balls somewhat abnormal and some neurological problem also. This eye trouble is termed Exophthalmoses.

The lady is of Virgo Ascendant with the Ascendant lord Mercury (both in the natal chart and in the Zodiac) posted in the twelfth house combined with Venus and aspected by secondary maraka and inimical Jupiter which is also the twelfth lord of the Zodiac posted in the sixth house. The significators for the right and the left eyes respectively, the Sun and the Moon, are highly afflicted being directly related by combination /aspect with Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The second house of the Zodiac is aspected by malefic Mars and the twelfth house afflicted as mentioned above. The second house of the natal chart is hemmed between strong malefics and is, therefore, highly afflicted. These factors combinedly caused eye troubles to the native and also neurological problem, the main culprit being obviously Rahu and the main victims the Sun and the Moon.

Case 2:
Jup 5
Hers 7
290 58

                  Ven 9
Ketu 8
Birth:- 13/09/1953
22:56 p.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Jupiter Dasa up to 11/11/1961

Rahu 21
Sun 12
Mars 10
Pluto 10

Merc 12
Nept 14
Sat 14
Moon 16

Case Study:-
The native had an attack of Thrombosis of eye and underwent a number of operations and finally restored his sight in Feb, 2007, after this he developed Arthritis at both legs and at the waste in the latter half of 2007. His eye balls appear to be projected a little outside. This eye trouble is termed as Exophthalmoses.

In this case, the planets chiefly responsible for the problems are the Moon and the Saturn combined in the sixth house, the third lord Moon being weak and naturally malefic Saturn is being exalted. The twelfth sign of the Zodiac is aspected by Mars and the twelfth house of the natal chart by the Moon and the Saturn. The second house of the Zodiac is aspected by Rahu and that of the natal chart being occupied by eighth lord Jupiter. The three airy signs are, therefore, afflicted by malefics, the sixth house in particular. The sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo although occupied by its exalted lord is hemmed between malefics and also aspected by Rahu. These factors combinedly developed in the native the said diseases in different parts of the body.

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