Friday, 22 February 2013

Astrological factors for Liver Problems

In Astrology, Liver is judged from the fifth house and the ninth house of the natal chart. Ninth house is also the significator for Spleen. The corresponding signs in the Zodiac are Leo and Saggitarius ruled by the Sun and the Jupiter respectively. Any affliction in the natal chart of the fifth and the ninth houses and/or their lords and/or the signs Leo/ Saggitarius and/or their lords by malefics related with sixth house and/or its lord and/or the sign Virgo and/or its lord Mercury may result in any disease relating to Liver. With this, the strength of Ascendant and/or its lord by deposition and/or aspect is also to be taken into account together with the running phase for the natal chart.    

Case 1:

    Mars 3

Ketu 27

Birth:- 23/09/1958
9:50 p.m. (Kolkata)
Balance Moon Dasa up to 2 years 10 months and 10 days

Moon 22
Merc 12
Ven 11
           Rahu 14
Sun 12

Jup 15

Sat 18

Case Study:-
The native had his liver damaged and also suffered from phymosis. He is also a mental patient to some extent.

The native is born under Taurus rising and the Ascendant/sixth lord Venus combined with second/fifth lord Mercury is posted in the fourth house in inimical sign of Leo, the fifth sign of the Zodiac signifying the Liver and aspected by Saturn, Mars and Rahu. The fourth lord Sun, signifying the Liver is combined with Rahu in the fifth house. The eighth lord Jupiter also signifying Liver is weak in the sixth house and hemmed between malefics. The eighth house viz. Saggitarius which is the ninth sign of the Zodiac is aspected by malefic Mars in sixth-eighth relation. These factors combinedly caused the damage of the Liver of the native. Again, deposition of seventh/twelfth lord Mars in the Ascendant and mutual aspect with Saturn, the ninth/tenth lord and the affliction of Mars in the Ascendant by the aspect of Rahu posted in the fifth house caused a mental unbalance in the native.

Case 2:
Asc Jup 5
Ven 7
        Mars 5

Ketu 27

                Sun 9
Moon 9
Sat 9

Merc 11

      Rahu 13
Pluto 13

               Hers 15

Nept 18®

Case Study:-
The native was attacked with Hepatitis B and has liver damaged.

The native was born under Gemini rising with the Ascendant occupied by two mutually inimical planets Jupiter and Venus. The second lord Moon, the third lord Sun and the eighth-ninth lord Saturn which are respectively responsible for nutrition, digestion and damage/destruction are combined in Cancer and hemmed between natural benefics. The Ascendant/fourth lord Mercury which is the sixth lord of the Zodiac is posted in the third house aspected by Mars and Rahu and hemmed between malefics. The fourth house i.e. the sixth sign of the Zodiac is occupied by Rahu and aspected by malefic Saturn. The fifth and sixth houses are aspected by malefic Mars. Thus, the fifth and the sixth house as well as their lords, the fifth and the sixth signs as well as their lords being afflicted by malefics, the native developed the disease Hepatitis B which caused his Liver damaged.

Case 3:

Jup 4®

Mars 2
Sat 3

Ketu 25
Merc 23

Moon 8
Birth:- 1/2/1942
4:41 a.m.(Barasat)
Balance sat Dasa 5/2/17
                  Sun 22
Ven 22®
Rahu 11


Case Study:-
The native is a patient of chronic dysentery.

The native is born under Saggitarius rising with the Ascendant lord retrograde Jupiter in the sixth house in inimical sign Taurus. The fifth house is occupied by Mars and Saturn and aspected by Rahu from the ninth house. The fifth sign of the Zodiac Leo is occupied by the strong malefic Rahu and its lord Sun, the significator for digestive capacity is posted in the second house combined with the sixth lord of the Zodiac Mercury and aspected by eighth lord of the natal chart Moon posted in the eighth house and also by malefic Saturn combined with Mars, while the eighth house together with the lord Moon is aspected by Mars combined with Saturn and also by Rahu. The eighth house and its lord together with the twelfth house and its lord and the sixth house and its depositor Jupiter being all afflicted or weak the native suffered from chronic dysentery.    

Case 4:

Ketu 24

Birth:- 12/12/1979
11:38 a.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Sun Dasa up to 20/12/1982

Mars 11  
Jup 11
Rahu 11
Sat 12
Moon 12
Pluto 14

Hers 16
Sun 18
Merc 17
Nept 18
Ven 20

Case Study:-
The girl has an acute liver problem and is advised for liver transplantation. Her father had a heart attack on 16/01/2008 and her case grew serious since 19/01/2008.

The girl was born under Aquarius rising with the Ascendant/twelfth lord Saturn combined with sixth lord Moon posted in the eighth house of the natal chart and sixth sign of the Zodiac Virgo. The fifth sign of the Zodiac Leo is occupied by Mars, Jupiter (the significator for the Liver in part) combined with strong malefic Rahu. The fifth/eighth lord of the natal chart Mercury and the main significator for Liver Sun are combinedly posted in Scorpio, the inimical sign for Mercury and aspected by strong malefic Saturn and Mars. These factors combinedly made the native a serious patient of Liver troubles who had to undergo subsequently a Liver transplantation because of the deposition of Sun, the significator for Liver combined with the eighth lord Mercury and mysterious planet Neptune in the eighth sign of the Zodiac Scorpio, the house of stoppage.  

Monday, 18 February 2013

Astrological factors of Leukemia

This dreaded disease develops when red corpuscles of blood are converted into white corpuscles. Blood is mainly composed of red corpuscles and a fluid which are signified by the planets Mars and Moon respectively. If in a natal chart Mars be weak and related with Moon as well as afflicted by Saturn and/or Rahu, the red corpuscles are gradually broken into white corpuscles thereby, developing the disease. Impact of Mercury may act as a catalyst for the disease. The three watery signs and particularly Cancer are also involved in this disease. The principle is illustrated by the following cases: -    

Case 1:
Jup 6®
Rahu 5
         Sat 4®

Mars 25

Birth:- 03/01/2002
6:45 p.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Venus Dasa up to 29/05/2020
Mere 21
Nept 22
Hers 23
Moon 11

Pluto 18
Sun 20
Ven 20
Ketu 19

Case Study:-
The boy is a patient of acute Leukemia and requires regular chemotherapy.

The native is born under Cancer rising and the Ascendant is aspected by natural malefic as well as the seventh/eighth lord retrograde Saturn, of the two other watery signs Scorpio is aspected by the retrograde Saturn and the Ascendant lord Moon is in primary maraka house Leo and aspected by Mars posted in the eighth house. Mars is the planet signifying R.B.C and occupies the eighth house in the inimical sign Aquarius in mutual aspect with strong enemy cum malefic cum secondary maraka cum eighth lord retrograde Saturn. Mars is also aspected by Rahu and sixth lord retrograde Jupiter from the twelfth house but Jupiter is sixth/ninth lord, posted in inimical sign Gemini ruled by Mercury and also combined with strong Rahu forming a Guruchandal Dosha and therefore, its aspect on Mars is not very relieving. Thus, the planet Mars and its relation with Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter (being maraka for the native) caused gradual conversion of R.B.C into W.B.C developing the disease to the native.

Case 2:
Sun 90 52
Merc 170 36
Ven 40 39

Ketu 40 55
Mars 190 24

230 29
Birth:- 25/06/58
8:15 a.m.(Kolkata)

    Moon 190 13
 Jup 280 32

Rahu 40 55

Sat 280 26

Case Study:-
The native was attacked with Leukemia during late 1981 in Rahu-Venus Dasa. She expired on 30/08/1982.

The native is born under Cancer rising. The Ascendant is squared by Rahu and Ketu in the fourth/tenth house respectively and is in trine with retrograde Saturn in Scorpio and Mars in Pisces. The Ascendant lord Moon combined with sixth/ninth lord Jupiter is in the third house and in mutual aspect with Mars and also aspected by Rahu. The primary maraka and the significator of Vitality i.e. the Sun combined with third-twelfth lord Mercury is in the twelfth house and aspected by Mars and Rahu. The second house is aspected by malefic retrograde Saturn. Thus, the two watery signs viz. Scorpio and Pisces, their lords, Ascendant/sixth/second lords and Mars being all afflicted the native developed Leukemia.

Case 3:

                 Moon 1
Ketu 2

Hers 8
Birth: - 13/09/1957 3:10 a.m.
Balance Ketu Dasa up to 23/12/1960

Sun 11
Mars 12
Merc 11
Pluto 10

Jup 13
                 Ven 14
Rahu 15
Nept 15

Sat 17

Case Study:-
The native is a patient of acute Leukemia lymphoid type.

The lady is born under Cancer Ascendant. The watery sign Scorpio is afflicted by Saturn and Mars in mutual aspect while the sign Pisces is aspected by Mars combined with Sun and Mercury.  Lord of Pisces Jupiter which is also the sixth lord is hemmed between malefics and aspected by Rahu. Ascendant Cancer although free from any malefic aspect, its lord Moon is afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. The sixth lord Jupiter as explained is afflicted by malefics. The second house, the primary maraka place is occupied by Sun, Mars, Mercury and Pluto and aspected by malefic Saturn. Thus, these factors particularly the relation between Saturn and Mars and the affliction of Ascendant lord, sixth lord and the fifth and ninth houses and their lords made the native a patient of Leukemia who ultimately died in 2007.

Case 4:

Jup 6
Pluto 7

                   Merc 1
Sun 27 
Rahu 27
Hers 27

Ven 24

Mars 8
Birth:- 06/04/1931
02:00 p.m.(Bolpur)
Balance Saturn Dasa up to 12/03/1950

Nept 10

Ketu 13

Moon 17
Sat 21

The lady is a Capricornian. The three watery signs viz. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are all afflicted by malefics. Moon and Mars, the main significator for the disease are both debilated although due to exchange of houses both have gained strength to some extent. Debilated Mars is aspected by malefic Rahu from Pisces and the same happens with Moon. Although eighth lord Sun is combined with Rahu yet the lady is enjoining a fairly long life due to the disposition of Ascendant lord, sixth house and sixth lord by position and aspect.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Astrological factors of Leprosy

The disease Leprosy appears on the skin as white patches originated from impurity in blood. The planets involved are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu. Any affliction by Saturn and/or Rahu on the other four planets may cause this disease. As usual, the Ascendant and the sixth house together with their lord and the signs Leo and Virgo should also be taken into account. The above principle illustrated bellow: -

Case 1:


              Sat 1®
Rahu 26

Moon 24

Mars 11
Jup 12

Ketu 14
Sun 14

Merc 15®
Ven 15

Case Study:-
The disease started in Saturn-Rahu Dasa.

In this case the Ascendant is Gemini. Sun is posted in the fourth house combined with Ketu in the sign Virgo, the sixth sign of the Zodiac and aspected by Rahu. The Ascendant is aspected by debilated Saturn. Moon is posted in the inimical sign Aquarius and aspected by Mars, Jupiter and Rahu. Mercury which is the Ascendant lord is combined with Venus in the fifth house i.e. the sign Libra and aspected by debilated Saturn. Thus, afflictions of Moon, Sun and the sixth lord Mars and the Ascendant lord Mercury by malefics resulted in this disease for the native.  

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Astrological factors of Kidney disease

The main planet responsible for diseases relating to kidney is Venus. With this, Moon should be also taken into account. The houses related in a natal chart are the sixth and seventh houses. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs involved are Virgo and Libra. Therefore, any affliction by malefics like Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu on Venus and/or Moon, the sixth and/or seventh house of the natal chart and/or their lords as well as the signs Virgo and/or Libra may result in kidney troubles. The Ascendant and its lord should also be taken into account as a strong Ascendant or lord thereof may overcome many troubles. The benefic influence of Jupiter may also cause some relief. These principles are illustrated with the following cases: -

Case 1:

Ketu 6

Mars 26

Jup 7®
Birth:- 12/01/1955

Merc 21

Moon 10

Sat 16

Ven 17
  Sun21                   Asc
 Rahu 13

The native is a Sagittarian with the Ascendant lord Jupiter posted in the eighth house in exaltation and aspected by Saturn. The Ascendant itself is occupied by ninth lord Sun combined with Rahu and aspected by Saturn. The sixth lord Venus which is the main significator of kidney is weak in the twelfth house and hemmed between malefics viz. the Sun and the Rahu, on one side and exalted Saturn on the other. Venus is aspected by strong enemy Jupiter in exaltation and also by debilated Rahu although the debilation is cancelled due to the exaltation of Jupiter. The sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo is aspected by Mars as also the seventh sign occupied by Saturn. Thus, the factors related to kidney being afflicted, the native developed acute troubles of kidney.

Case 2:

Ketu 1

Birth:- 11/10/1902
00:42 a.m.(Ara, Bihar)
Balance Moon Dasa up to 3 years 9 months and 14 days

Moon 22
Jup 22
Mars 10
           Ven 13
Sun 14

Rahu 14
Merc 15

Sat 21

Case Study:-
The chart is of an eminent Sarbodoya leader. He was attacked with Nephritis and died on 8/10/1979 when the running phase was of Mercury-Venus-Jupiter.

In this case the Ascendant is Cancer. The Ascendant lord Moon is posted in the seventh house in Capricorn in combination with sixth-ninth lord debilated Jupiter. The main significator for kidney i.e. the planet Venus is debilated, combined with strong enemy Sun, hemmed between malefics and aspected by Saturn from the sixth house, Rahu from Libra and strong enemy debilated Jupiter  from Capricorn although exchange of house with Mercury has added some strength to Venus. Moreover, the sixth lord of the natal chart is weak and so also is the sixth house. Also, sixth house of the Zodiac i.e. the sign Virgo is afflicted as also the seventh sign Libra. Thus, these factors combinedly damaged both the kidneys and the patient ultimately died thereof.

Case 3:

Mars 4

              Sun 1
Rahu 27
Jup 27
Merc 26

Ven 25

Birth:- 16/04/1987

Sat 18®
Moon 16

Case Study:-
The native suffered for three years.

The native is born under Cancer rising. The Ascendant lord Moon is debilated in the fifth house combined with seventh-eighth lord strong enemy Saturn in inimical sign Scorpio exchanging aspect with fifth-tenth lord i.e. the strong enemy Mars. The main significator of kidney i.e. the planet Venus is posted in the eighth house and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. Sixth house of the natal chart is aspected by Mars and the sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo is aspected by Rahu, debilated Mercury and inimical Jupiter. These factors made a temporary trouble in kidney for the native.