Saturday, 22 December 2012

Astrological factors of Epilepsy

The disease Epilepsy relates to the nerve system of human body in which the patient becomes temporarily out of consciousness with/without convulsion of the organs and stiffness of the teeth. The main significators of the disease are Moon, Saturn, Mercury and the Sun. Sun is the origin of the entire nerve system while Mercury acts as the communicating agent from the brain to different organs of the body. Moon is the significator of sensational function of the nerve system while Saturn causes interruption of the smooth activities of the nerve system resulting in the disease. The houses involved in the natal chart are the third, fifth and sixth houses together with the Ascendant and the related lords. In the Zodiac, these will be respectively signified by the signs Gemini, Leo and Virgo. The above principles are established through the following cases: -
Case 1:





Case Study:-
The native is a sufferer from nerve complaints in Rahu Dasa.

The native is a Capricornian with the Ascendant occupied by Saturn and Moon and aspected by exalted Jupiter from the seventh house. The third house is occupied by debilated Mercury combined with strong enemies and malefics viz. Rahu and Mars. The combination is aspected by strong Jupiter and Saturn. The sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. the sign Virgo is also aspected by Rahu, Mars and Mercury. Thus, the factors signifying neurological problems being all present, the native developed the disease Epilepsy.

Case 2:

Jup 6
Sun 3
Ven 5

Merc 1
Ketu 26

Mars 9
Birth:- 15/05/1978
7:32 p.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Ketu Dasa up to 25/03/1983

Sat 10
Moon 10

   Rahu 12

Asc 200 39’’

Case Study:-
The chart relates to a boy who was a patient of Epilepsy. From the start of Venus Dasa the boy started suffering from Epilepsy, but by virtue of proper treatment in time, he recovered partly during Venus-Venus period and completely in the middle of 1992 during Venus-Rahu period.

The native is born under Scorpio rising with the Ascendant/sixth lord Mars debilated in the watery sign Cancer ruled by Moon which is one of the significator of nerve. Moon combined with third lord Saturn which is another significator for nerve is posted in the tenth house in Leo between two malefics. The sixth sign of the Zodiac is occupied by malefic Rahu. Mercury, the significator of nerve system, being the eighth/eleventh lord, is posted in the sixth house in inimical sign and hemmed between malefics. Sun, the origin of the entire nerve system is combined with strong enemy Venus and aspected by Saturn and Rahu. Thus all the factors responsible for nerve system being afflicted, the native suffered from this disease but due to the benefic aspect of Jupiter on the twelfth house ruled by Venus, the native started recovery in the major period of Venus.   

Case 3

Ketu 26

Moon 24

Hers 9
Birth:- 13/10/1959
00:52 a.m.(Barasat)
Balance Rahu Dasa up to 29/05/1972

Ven 11
Pluto 10

Sun 14
Rahu 13
                Merc 15
Mars 14
Nept 15

Jup 17

Sat 19

Case Study:-
The lady is a lawyer and is a patient of Epilepsy and was badly suffering during the major period of Saturn.

The native is born under Cancer rising with the Ascendant lord Moon, one significator for nerve, is posted in the eighth house in inimical sign Aquarius and aspected by Saturn from the sixth house and Venus from the second house in inimical sign. The third house, i.e. the sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo is occupied by Sun, the origin of the entire nerve system in the human body and Rahu and aspected by Saturn in the sixth house. The significator for nerve system i.e. Mercury is combined with strong enemy Mars and the fifth house is occupied by Jupiter in Scorpio and hemmed between malefics. The sixth house of the natal chart is occupied by seventh/eighth lord and strong malefic Saturn, another significator of nerve system in the constellation of Ketu which also signifies neurological problems. Thus these factors combinedly developed the disease Epilepsy in the native.

Case 4:

Jup 26 ®

Rahu 24

Birth:- 30/11/1951
00:10 a.m. (Kolkata)

Ketu 11
          Sat 13
     Mars 12
        Ven 14

Sun 17
Moon 18
Merc 19

The native is born under Leo with the Ascendant occupied by Ketu and aspected by Rahu. The second house i.e. the sixth sign of the Zodiac Virgo is occupied by Saturn, a significator for the nerve system, Mars and Venus. The Ascendant lord Sun, the origin of the entire nerve system combined with weak Moon, another significator of nerve system is posted in Scorpio and aspected by afflicted Saturn. The significator for nerve Mercury is posted in the fifth and aspected by strong enemy Mars. The sixth house is aspected by Rahu and its lord Saturn combined with strong enemy Mars and debilated Venus is posted in the sixth sign Virgo which is also the primary maraka house for the Ascendant. These factors made the native a victim of Epilepsy and finally he died of an accident.


  1. I was born epileptic, but I am now free and cured with Dr Itua Herbal Made Medicine. I was seventeen and sitting at my computer when I fell out of my chair. Only thing I remember is waking up with the worse headache I had ever had in my life. I had never taken medication and I hated swallowing pills but I had to start. I switched between all kinds of medication because I didn't take them like I was supposed to. One day I had just finished running errands and was at my sisters house when I fell to the floor again. I woke up with a bad headache and my 2 year old Niece leaning over my leg asking me if I was OK. By then I had just started college and was one the verge of losing my license. My school is an hour away from where I live so I really got set back because I wasn't allowed to drive until I got my seizures under control. I would love to know how others have handles their epilepsy! So My sister friends Emma Told my sister about a herbal Doctor who reside in west Africa(Nigeria) Because Emma is from Africa as well, My sister told me about it then we decided to give a try. My sister contacted him also tell him about my autism too.he assures my sister that his herbal medicine will cure my epilepsy and my autism, I paid for the herbal medicine then he delivered to Charleston Post office I was called to pick it up which i quickly did, I drank it for two weeks as prescribed happily I went for diagnose and find out my Epilepsy and Autism is gone and today making it 9 Months and I'm now free from Autism, Seizure and Epilepsy, I will continue to share Dr Itua Natural Herbal Medicine works. I will recommend Dr Itua to anyone who suffering from,,,AUTISM, EPILEPSY, SEIZURE, COLD SORE, HERPES, HIV/AIDS. Dr Itua Contact Information..... WhatsApp Number....+2348149277967. Live Happily Again With Dr Itua Herbal Made Medicine....

  2. All thanks to this great herbal doctor who cured me from (LUPUS DISEASE) his name is dr imoloa.  I suffered lupus disease for over 8 years with pains like: joints, Skin rash,  Pain in the chest,  swollen joints and many more.  The anti-inflammatory drugs couldn’t cure me, until I read about his recommendation. 2 months ago, I contacted him through his email address. . and he sent me the herbal treatment through DHL courier service and he instructed me on how to drink it for good two weeks. after then,  And I was confirmed cured and free at the hospital after taken his powerful herbal medications You too can be cured with it if interested, he also uses his powerful herbal healing medicine to cure disease like: parkison disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy,  Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease,  Back Pain,  Back Sprain,   Bipolar Disorder,  Brain Tumour,  Malignant,  Bruxism, Bulimia,  Cervical Disk Disease, cardiovascular disease, Neoplasms,  chronic respiratory disease,  mental and behavioural disorder,  Cystic  Fibrosis,  Hypertension, Diabetes, asthma,  Inflammatory autoimmune-mediated arthritis.  chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease, back pain,  impotence,  feta  alcohol spectrum,  Dysthymic Disorder,   Eczema, skin cancer,  tuberculosis,  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel  disease, bone cancer, lungs cancer,  mouth ulcer,  mouth cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis A.B.C.,   syphilis,  diarrhea,  HIV/AIDS,  Huntington's Disease,  back acne,  Chronic renal failure,   addison disease,  Chronic Pain,   Crohn's  Disease,   Cystic Fibrosis,  Fibromyalgia,   Inflammatory Bowel Disease,  fungal  nail disease, Lyme Disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major  Depression,  Malignant Melanoma,   Mania,  Melorheostosis,   Meniere's  Disease,  Mucopolysaccharidosis , Multiple Sclerosis,  Muscular  Dystrophy,  Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's Disease      Contacts him today  and get permanently cure. contact him via... email-  /whatssapp-+2347081986098.

  3. What a great testimony is this about doctor joseph 5 months ago i was searching for a doctor who would help me to cure my son from Epilepsy and i went to facebook to search for doctors and i saw different herbal doctors but i was scared but i contacted doctor joseph to just try my luck i never knew he was a great man and man of his words i told him my problems and he sent me his product and told me the instruction on how i will be giving it to my son after 1 month i took him for medical check up and the news was the greatest testimony i ever heard confirmed negative and free .and you can contact him on is EMAIL
