The disease HIV+, probably the most dreaded disease now-a-days, originates mostly from uncontrolled lifestyle including ugly passions and perverted habits. It also spreads through contaminations or genetically. The main planets responsible for strong sex urge are Venus and Mars while Rahu (Demon’s Head) is the significator of all uncontrolled passions and perversions without any polished expression and which knows no bound for satisfaction of tremendous sex hunger. As the result, the native becomes frequently involved in illicit affairs without any choice or taste. The Sun signifies the vital energy of life while the Moon signifies the nutrition. As the result of uncontrolled passions, the native gradually loses his vital energy and nutritional constituents of body and is finally led to death if not guarded by proper precautionary measures. In terms of Astrology, the fifth house of the natal chart signifies love affairs and love play while sixth house denotes all sorts of passions and seventh house denotes the sex affairs. Eighth house signifies all sorts of secrecy which is also signified by Ketu and Neptune and twelfth house signifies pleasures and partners related to bed. Therefore, in a natal chart, if these houses and/or their lords and the respective significator planet be afflicted by deposition or aspect, the native is likely to develop this dreaded disease. With this, the cardinal signs are also to be taken into account because the cardinal nature signifies frequent change of partners in illicit affairs through which this disease usually finds its way in the body of the native and of course, the Ascendant and the sixth house and their lords must also be considered. However, the benefic influence of strong Jupiter, ninth house and/or its lord as well as the sign Saggitarius may provide some relieving function towards recovery or control of the disease without the final destiny.
Case 1:
Ven 5
Sun 4
Merc 4
Moon 27
Rahu 27
Mars 25
Hers 24
Sat 7
Nept 23®
Jup 13
Ketu 14
Pluto 18®
Case Study:-
The native’s father is a patient of HIV but he is not.
The native since born under Scorpio rising, his father of
the native is to be judged from the tenth house of the Ascendant i.e. the sign
Leo. The seventh house from Leo is occupied by malefic Mars, the planet for
strong passion, in inimical sign Aquarius combined with Herschel, the
significator for any sort of uncommon matter. The sixth house is occupied by
mysterious planet Neptune and aspected by the
lord of the house Saturn. The eighth house is occupied by Rahu combined with
the twelfth lord Moon in the dual sign Pisces signifying frequent changes in
bed partners. The lord of Leo viz. the Sun which is also the planet signifying
the father is posted in the tenth house combined with Mercury and aspected by Mars
from the seventh house. The planet mainly responsible for HIV+ i.e. Venus is
posted in Gemini and hemmed between malefics. Rahu aspects the twelfth house
viz. the sign Cancer although Rahu receives a beneficiary aspect from Jupiter
posted in the second house in the sign Virgo but Jupiter itself is strongly
afflicted being combined with Ketu, and aspected by Saturn, Rahu and Mars.
Jupiter is the fifth/eighth lord counted from Leo which signifies secret love
affairs. The eighth house from Leo i.e. the sign Pisces is occupied by twelfth
lord Moon signifying bed-happiness and combined with Rahu which make such
happiness uncontrolled and ugly one which is further strengthened due to the
aspect of Rahu on the twelfth house. Thus, the factors responsible for AIDS are
all present, making the native a victim of this disease.
Case 2:
Ven 7
Ketu 7
Sun 4
Merc 2
Mars 8
Jup 8
Birth: - 30/05/1991
2:30 a.m.
Balance Mercury
Dasa up to 14/01/1992
Pluto 16®
Moon 18
Rahu 20
Hers 20®
Nept 20®
The native is one of Aries rising with the sixth lord
Mercury posted in the Ascendant and aspected by debilated Rahu combined with
Herschel and Neptune, although debilation is cancelled due to the exaltation of
Jupiter. The second/seventh lord Venus is combined with debilated and inimical
Ketu and aspected by debilated Rahu and hemmed between malefics viz. Sun and Mars.
The association of Mars and Jupiter is afflicted by the aspect of Saturn. The
seventh house viz. the sign Libra is afflicted due to the aspect of Mars and
Saturn. Rahu also aspects the debilated Moon in the eighth house, in mutual
aspect with the fifth lord Sun. Debilated Rahu is combined with Herschel and
Neptune in the ninth house cum sign Saggitarius and is in mutual aspect with
the strong maraka cum the most important planet for HIV+ i.e. Venus combined
with Ketu, the significator for all secrecy in the sign Gemini. The planet for
nutrition viz. Moon and that for physical energy are both debilated and are in
a trinal relation but the association of exalted Jupiter with debilated Mars
aspecting the debilated Moon provides some relief. The above factors and
particularly the relation between Venus, Rahu, Ketu, Herschel and Neptune and the affliction of the seventh house by
malefics resulted in the disease HIV+ due to uncontrolled lifestyle of the
Case 3:
Moon 6
Jup 1®
Sat 2®
Rahu 9
Birth: - 01/10/1999 9:00 p.m.
Balance Rahu Dasa
up to 21/11/2006
Hers 22
Nept 21®
Ven 10
Sun 13
Merc 14
Mars 18
Pluto 17
The native is a carrier of HIV+ with the parents falling
prey to the disease. The father of the native is to be judged from the tenth
house of the native’s natal chart i.e. the sign Aquarius as the Ascendant. In
this case, Venus is hemmed between malefics Rahu and Sun. Rahu also aspects
Mars posted in Scorpio, Rahu itself being in Cancer. The father of the native being
judged from the tenth house of the Ascendant which is Aquarius having Venus in
the seventh house in the constellation of Ketu, Rahu is in the sixth house in
the constellation of Mercury and seventh lord Sun is in the eighth house
signifying loss of vital energy in secret matrimonial relations. The sixth lord
Moon is in the fifth house in the constellation of Rahu which indicates the
habitual and frequent love play of the native’s father in unsocial and unhealthy
manner. The deposition of Rahu in the sixth house and that of Venus in the
seventh house from Aquarius confirmed the native’s father’s having developed
the disease HIV+ due to frequent illicit connections. These combinations made
the father of the native a patient of AIDS.
Case 4:
Ketu 6
Sat 4
Sun 1 Ven 1
Merc 25
Birth:- 14/04/1973
Morning (Kolkata)
Balance Venus Dasa
up to 29/12/1983
Mars 22
Jup 22
Moon 11
Hers 14®
Pluto 12®
Nept 17®
Rahu 20
The native is a victim of the disease. Here the Ascendant is
Aries with the fifth lord Sun and the second/seventh lord Venus posted in the
Ascendant in the constellation of Ketu signifying strong maraka and aspected by
debilated Rahu in Saggitarius in the constellation of Venus and by exalted Mars.
The fourth lord Moon is posted in the fifth house in Leo in the constellation
of Venus and aspected by debilated Rahu and exalted Mars which signifies the
native’s habit of frequent involvement in love play actions. The sixth house is
occupied by retrograde Herschel signifying some uncommon disease together with
Pluto and being aspected by the debilated sixth lord Mercury in the twelfth
house in Pisces which signifies the disease to be related to uncontrolled
passionate affairs. Thus, the Sun, the Moon and Venus being all afflicted by
Rahu and the sixth lord Mercury being debilated in the twelfth house, the
native developed the disease due to uncontrolled lifestyle relating to passions.
Hi, my friend is going through Saturns Sade Sati and since he has heard that Sade sati punishes you for your last 30yrs deeds and he had developed a fear of AIDS since he had a lot many relationships in past. I told him only on the basis of what he has heard about Saturn Sadesati he should not fear but he is so terrified with the thought that he is getting into depression. Can you pls check his chart and tell if he needs to fear at all about his past affairs since he has changed a lot in last 2 yrs. His birth details are as follows : DOB - 25th of October 1976, Time - 20.31, Place - Bilaspur (H.P.). Thanks!
ReplyDeletethanks this is good blog. health