Monday, 7 January 2013

Astrological factors of Heart disease Part 3

Case 11:

Sun 7

Ven 4
Moon 1
Ketu 1
Mars 27

               Merc 8
Birth:- 10/07/1958
7:30 a.m.

Jup 14

Rahu 14
Sat 18®

It is a case of Cancer Ascendant with the third/twelfth lord Mercury posted there in inimical sign. The Ascendant lord Moon which is also the significator of heart is posted in the tenth house in the cardinal fiery sign Aries combined with Ketu and aspected by Rahu. The fourth lord Venus is posted in badhaka place in the eleventh house, hemmed between malefics and aspected by seventh/eighth lord Saturn occupying the fifth house in inimical sign. The other natural significator for heart viz. the Sun is posted in the twelfth house and aspected by Rahu and Mars. The sign Leo is aspected by malefic Saturn. The sixth lord Jupiter is weak in the third house in inimical sign Virgo and aspected by Mars and Rahu. These factors combinedly made the native a victim of heart disease.

Case 12:

Rahu 9
Birth:- 03/11/1980
3:005 a.m.(Kolkata)

Moon 11
          Sat 13
 Jup 12 Asc
    Ven 13®

Sun 15
Merc 15®

Mars 18

It is a case of Virgo native with the Ascendant lord Mercury combined with twelfth lord cum natural significator for heart viz. debilated Sun hemmed between malefics in the second house. The Ascendant is occupied by fourth/seventh lord cum badhaka and secondary maraka Jupiter, fifth/sixth lord Saturn and second/ninth lord cum primary maraka debilated and retrograde Venus. The fourth house is hemmed between malefics while the fifth house is occupied by Ketu and aspected by malefics Rahu and Jupiter. The fourth sign of the Zodiac viz. Cancer is occupied by malefic Rahu while its lord Moon, the other significator for heart is weak in the twelfth house of the natal chart and the fifth sign of the Zodiac Leo and hemmed between malefics. The fourth house from Moon is occupied by Mars and aspected by Saturn and Rahu. These factors combinedly made the native heart patient.

Case 13:

Sun 6

Ven 4

Rahu 26

Hers 25®

Merc 8®
Mars 9
Sat 9
Birth:- 05/07/2006
11:40 a.m.
Balance Mars Dasa up to 01/08/2006

                  Nept 23®

Ketu 12
               Jup 15®
Moon 14

Pluto 19®

The native is born under Virgo Ascendant occupied by malefic Ketu and aspected by malefic Rahu and also by weak Saturn combined with Mars and Mercury. The Ascendant being the sixth sign of the Zodiac, the native is highly susceptible to illness which she has been suffering from since birth. The fourth house of the natal chart is occupied by malefic Pluto and its lord Jupiter is posted in primary maraka second house in inimical sign Libra combined with Moon, the natural significator of heart, the combination being aspected by third/eighth lord debilated Mars combined with strong enemies Saturn and Mercury. This combination is posted in the fourth sign of the Zodiac Cancer signifying heart and is itself aspected by malefic Rahu from the watery sign Pisces. The fifth sign of the natal chart Capricorn is occupied by mysterious Neptune and aspected by Mars, Mercury and Saturn from Cancer. The fifth lord Saturn is itself afflicted in inimical sign as explained above. The fifth sign of the Zodiac Leo is hemmed between malefics although its lord Sun is devoid of any malefic aspect, but is in receipt of benefic aspect from natural benefic Jupiter strengthened by Moon in combination. The sixth house of the natal chart is occupied by Herschel resulting in sudden and peculiar diseases and aspected by afflicted Mars and as well as by Rahu while the sixth lord Saturn is itself afflicted as explained before. These combinations resulted in many serious and peculiar diseases including those of heart for the native.

Case 14:

Mars Sat
Moon Hers

Birth:- 01/03/1944
21:30 p.m.(Karimpur)
Balance Moon Dasa up to 26/12/1949




The native was born under Libra Ascendant with the Ascendant/eighth lord Venus combined with the inimical Ketu being posted in the fourth house Capricorn in mutual aspect with third/sixth lord Jupiter combined with Rahu and Pluto from the sign Cancer, the fourth sign of the Zodiac representing the heart of the Kalapurusha. Combination of Rahu and Jupiter forms the strong Guruchandal Dosha thereby afflicting the fourth house of the natal chart and the fourth sign of the Zodiac. The fifth house of the natal chart also representing the heart is occupied by badhaka eleventh lord Sun in inimical sign Aquarius combined with ninth/twelfth lord of the natal chart i.e. the third/sixth lord of the Zodiac i.e. Mercury and is aspected by strong natural malefic Saturn, the fourth/fifth lord of the natal chart Saturn itself is strongly afflicted being posted in the eighth house in combination with strong malefic and inimical Mars, the strong maraka for the Ascendant being second/seventh lord of the natal chart. This combination is also associated with the tenth lord Moon which itself is the significator for heart and also with Herschel signifying some peculiarity in respect of death. Saturn aspects the sign Cancer while Mars aspects the sign Leo thereby afflicting the fourth and the fifth signs of the Zodiac also signifying heart. Thus, all the factors signifying heart being strongly afflicted by malefics either by deposition or by aspect, the native became a victim of strong heart problem ultimately leading to death. 

Case 15:

Asc Mars

Birth:- 20/12/1943
03:00 p.m.(Uttarpara)
Balance Moon Dasa up to 27/11/1952





The native was born under Taurus Ascendant occupied by strong malefics Saturn and Mars, the latter being the seventh/twelfth lord is secondary maraka for the native. The fourth house is occupied by eighth lord Jupiter aspected by afflicted Mars. The fifth house is occupied by Moon, the natural significator for heart and hemmed between Jupiter and Venus which are both malefics for the Ascendant, Moon being posted in the sixth sign of the Zodiac. The third house of the natal chart which is the fourth sign of the Zodiac viz. Cancer is occupied by malefic Rahu and aspected by malefic Saturn. The fourth lord of the natal chart Sun and the fifth lord Mercury which are respectively the lords of the fifth and sixth signs of the Zodiac are posted in the eighth house and aspected by maraka Mars afflicted by Saturn and eighth lord Jupiter itself. The Ascendant lord Venus which is also the sixth lord is posted in the sixth house. These combinations resulted in a sudden heart attack of the native leading to death almost instantaneously mainly due to the influence of afflicted Mars on the eighth lord Jupiter posted in the fourth house i.e. the fifth sign of the Zodiac and also on the combination of Sun and Mercury by Mars.

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