Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Blood Pressure

Astrological factors of Blood Pressure
Blood is mainly composed of watery part and red corpuscles which are signified by the Moon and the Mars respectively in terms of Astrology. The Ascendant and its lord are in all cases the significators of good health. The sixth house and its lord signify diseases in general. The other malefic houses viz. eighth and the twelfth as well as their lords also contribute towards illness of the native. If the Moon and the Mars be weak and/or afflicted by malefics and are posted in malefic houses or related with these or their lords, blood pressure may develop in the native. Strong and unafflicted Mars together with a weak or afflicted Moon is likely to result in high blood pressure while the reverse or simply a weak and/or afflicted Mars may cause low blood pressure. Affliction by Rahu may result in high blood pressure due to excitement, anxiety while affliction by Saturn may result in depression causing variation of blood pressure. The same may also develop due to the affliction of the three watery signs as well as the three fiery signs. The principle is exemplified by the following cases:   

Case 1:

Jup 4
Sat 3

Mars 27
Ketu 25

Merc 8
Sun 9

Moon 23

Ven 11

Rahu 12

In Astrology RBC of blood is contributed by the planet Mars and its watery part by the Moon. Therefore, weakness or affliction by malefics of these two planets gives rise to problems relating to blood pressure. Affliction of the three watery signs of the Zodiac by malefics also adds to the problem. In this case Mars joined with Ketu and therefore aspected by Rahu occupies the watery sign Pisces, and is devoid of any benefic influence. Moon is in inimical sign Capricorn and is aspected by strong Rahu and weak Jupiter joined with Saturn. The Cancer, the first watery sign of the Zodiac is occupied by natural malefic Sun and Mercury in inimical sign, the lord of the sixth sign Virgo and aspected by malefic Saturn in addition to the lord Moon. Scorpio, another watery sign, is aspected by malefic Saturn and weak Jupiter. The sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo is afflicted by malefics. Thus, all the factors responsible for blood pressure being present the native developed the disease.

    Case 2:
Ketu 5
Sun 5
Merc 5
Mars 7

Ven 4

Moon 3

Jup 8


Sat 16

   Rahu 19

The native is born under Capricorn rising with Ascendant lord Saturn exalted in the tenth house in Libra and aspecting therefrom the sign Cancer. The second watery sign Scorpio is hemmed between malefics viz. Saturn and Rahu. The sixth house viz. Gemini is occupied by malefics Sun, Mars, Ketu and the sixth lord Mercury and is aspected by debilated Rahu from the twelfth house. The third watery sign viz. Pisces is devoid of any malefic influence, rather well-fortified by the benefic aspect of its lord viz. exalted Jupiter from Cancer. The Ascendant itself is aspected by afflicted Mars while Moon posted in the fiery sign and the secondary maraka for the Ascendant is afflicted by the malefic aspects of exalted Saturn and debilated Rahu. The sixth sign Gemini being a dual sign, the native developed frequent fluctuations in blood pressure.   

Case 3:

Sun 5
Merc 4
Jup 4

                Ven 2
Rahu 2

Mars 9

Ketu 16

Moon 12

Sat 19

The native is born under cancer rising with the Ascendant lord Moon debilated in Scorpio and hemmed between Saturn in the sixth house and Ketu in the fourth house. The Ascendant is occupied by debilated Mars exchanging house with the lord Moon thus acquiring some strength and also squared by Rahu in the fiery sign Aries. The third watery sign Pisces is afflicted by the twelfth aspect of Rahu. Further, all three fiery signs viz. Aries, Leo and Saggitarius are afflicted by malefics either by deposition or by aspect. The sixth house of the natal chart is occupied by Saturn and the sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo is also aspected by Saturn. Thus, all the three watery signs, the three fiery signs, the sixth house of the natal chart, and the sixth sign of the Zodiac together with the main factors viz. Moon and Mars related to blood pressure being afflicted by malefics or by strength, the native had constant suffering from fluctuations in blood pressure due to the Ascendant being a cardinal watery sign.

Case 4:

Merc 6
Ven 7
        Sun 5
    Rahu 5

Sat 7

Mars 10

Jup 14®

Moon 14

Ketu 12

The native is born under Cancer rising with the maraka Saturn occupying the Ascendant and squaring its lord Moon. Mars, the significator of RBC in blood is strong in Leo which is, however, the primary maraka house and aspecting Ketu in Scorpio which is also aspected by the Sun and Rahu from Taurus. The third watery sign Pisces is aspected by strong Mars from Leo as also by Jupiter, the sixth lord of the natal chart. Mars itself is squared by the Sun and Rahu. Again, the fiery sign Aries is aspected by Saturn, Rahu and Moon, the second fiery sign Leo is occupied by Mars while the third fiery sign Saggitarius is devoid of any malefic aspect, but aspected by the two inimical planets viz. Mercury and Venus. Thus, all the three watery signs viz. Ascendant Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are all afflicted by malefics as also the three fiery signs together with the Moon and the Mars being squared by malefics. Therefore, a contrast developed between the strength of Mars and that of Moon thereby making the native suffer from blood pressure.  

Case 5:

Mars 5
Ven 5
Sat 4

Sun 2

Merc 27

Ketu 8

      Birth:- 06/05/1972
07:37 a.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Moon Dasa up to 12/02/1977

Rahu 21
Moon 22

Hers 13®
Pluto 12®

Nept 17®
Jup 20®

Case Study:-
The native is a patient of Diabetes and Hypertension.

The native is born under Gemini rising with the sixth lord and strong malefic Mars occupying the Ascendant and fifth/twelfth lord Venus in the constellation of the sixth lord Mars and aspected by Jupiter. Moon is posted in the eighth house in Capricorn in association with Rahu and aspected by Mars. The sign Cancer is occupied by malefic Ketu and aspected by Rahu and the lord Moon. Scorpio is occupied by Neptune aspected by Saturn thereby activating the function of the sign Pisces which is occupied by the Ascendant lord debilated Mercury. Thus, all the three watery signs as well as the Moon, Mars and Venus being afflicted, the native had to suffer from troubles of blood pressure and Diabetes. The disease Diabetes developed due to Moon being afflicted by Rahu in the eighth house and the sixth lord of the natal chart Mars which is the eighth lord of the Zodiac viz. Scorpio, the second watery sign being posted in the Ascendant and hemmed between malefics.


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