Friday, 5 October 2012

General Discussion

According to applied Astrology, the Zodiac comprised of an 80 belt on either side of the ecliptic is divided into twelve equal parts each of 300 breadth and called a sign, the names in serial, symbols and characteristics of which are known to all students of Astrology and, therefore, need not require any repetition. It is assumed that the Zodiac signified by the term “Kalapurusha” represents the “Creator Himself” and, therefore, the human being as the whole. Its characteristics as defined in Astrology signify the ideal living process for the uniform development of physical, mental and spiritual beings of any person resulting in sound and total development of health. But due to the different achievements originated from various deeds in previous births as also in the present birth of each native due to different complexes or “Shara ripus(Six enemies)” as mentioned in Hindu Philosophy and signified by the different planets, satellites and some mathematical points in the neighbourhood of the Zodiac, the person concerned becomes deviated from the ideal life pattern as specified by the Lord in the characteristics of the Zodiac and, therefore, suffers from different diseases in physical, mental and spiritual planes. This constitutes the basis of application of Astrology in the field of Medical Science.
According to Ayurveda, human body is composed of three elements viz. Vayu (wind), Pitta (bile), Kapha (phlegm) a balance of which constitutes a sound and perfect health of a native. Therefore, an unbalance of these three elements due to excess/deficiency of one or two of the three relative to the balanced combination gives rise to different diseases in the native. Since mind bears a close relation with the body in terms of astrological factors, evidently origin of a disease of the body or the mind affects the other and also the surroundings and vice-versa, which are also controlled by the planets in different aspects according to astrological principles.
The Zodiac is divided vertically into two halves by a straight line connecting the signs Aries and Libra. The signs from Taurus to Virgo constituting the second to sixth houses respectively rule over the right side of the human body and the signs Scorpio to Pisces constituting the houses eighth to twelfth respectively rule over the left side. The planets etc. taken into account in Applied Astrology signify these three elements either singly or in mixed pattern as summarized below:
Batha (Wind) planets- Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn.
Pitta (bile) planets- Sun and Mars.
Kapha (phlegm) planets- Jupiter.
Moon, Venus and Sun have also slightly Kapha qualities; Saturn and Jupiter have slightly Pitta qualities; and Mercury has slightly both Pitta and Kapha qualities.
The planets also rule over different parts of human body as detailed below:
Medical Astrology

Sun- Head, Overall constitution of the body, Brain, vital energy of the body, Bone, Right eye, Stomach, Heart, Skin, Belly, Origin of the entire nerve system.
Moon- Left eye, Heart, Lungs, nutrition, Watery part of blood and the body as a whole, Mind, Kidney, Alimentary Canal.
Mars-Blood, marrow, energy, neck, genitals, chief fighting capacity of the body against diseases, red colouring matter in blood, rectum, head, veins, female organs and vitality.
Mercury- Chest, nerves, skin, navel, ear, tongue, memory, nose, effect of poison, spinal system and gall bladder.
Jupiter- Thighs, Fat, Lungs, Liver, kidney and Spleen, assimilating capacity of food in the body, natural healer.
Venus- Face, eye-sight, genital organs, Semen, Urine, luster of the body, Throat, water in the body and glands, reproductive capacity of male beings.
Saturn- Legs, bones, muscles, limbs, nails, teeth, chronic disease, pains, and disease originated from depression, hardship etc., skin and hair.
Rahu- Feet and breathing, disease originated from uncontrolled life style, excessive hunger.
Ketu- Belly, lack of sensitivity at physical and mental plane, paralytic tendency.
Uranus- Uncommon life style and diseases related thereto.
Neptune- Addictive tendency.
Pluto- Destructive functions in the body.
The Zodiac is also divided into twelve houses starting from Aries and the same is also applied from the Ascendant in a natal chart. Each house is termed a Bhava which signifies some specific organ and constituents of the human body which is tabulated below:

House / Bhava

Sign of the Zodiac

Organ / Constituent of Kalapurusha - human body

First / Ascendant
Head, brain and individuality.
Face, eyes, nose, tongue, teeth, ears, fingers, nails, bones and flesh.
Neck, throat, collar bones, hands, breathing, ears, nose and bodily growth.

Heart, lungs, chest, blood, watery part of the body and superficial mind.

Upper abdomen, liver, depth mind.
Lower abdomen, navel, bones, flesh, mental faculties, nerve system and working capacities.
Groins, semen, female organs and breathing and blood.
Genital organs, urine and blood.
Thighs and limbs.
Knees, bones and flesh.
Shanks and breathing.
Feet and blood.

For development of any disease in any part of the human body, the corresponding house or Bhava of the natal chart and its lord together with the corresponding sign of the Zodiac and the significator planet for the same should be taken into account together with the sixth house and its lord of the natal chart, the sign Virgo and its lord Mercury since the latter two are general significator of any disease being the house of complexes which are the actual originator of any disease. The well-being of any individual depends not only on the Ascendant or its lord, but also on the dispositions of the Sun and the Moon in the natal chart along with their strengths and degree of afflictions since the Sun signifies the spiritual plane while the Moon, the mental plane which are intimately related with the physical well-being of the native. The same is also true from the genetic point of view as the Sun and the Moon signify the genetic contributions of the father and the mother respectively. Among the planets the Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are natural malefics for health while the Sun, the full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are considered to be natural healers but after all, the afflictions of all the planets by natural malefics or malefics by relation or the relative strengths of each compared to the normal proportion should be taken into account for judging a disease. To ascertain the astrological factor responsible for any disease the nature, symptoms and the root of the disease should be well compared with the functions of the related house and the planets. The Ascendant, its lord, Navamsa and its lord, planets influencing these by deposition or aspect should be taken into account to assess the probability of any disease and its degree. It is a well known dictum of Astrology that depositions of natural benefics are more effective that their aspects while the reverse is true for natural malefics.
Although, the effect of diseases inflicting planet is felt throughout the life of a native to whatever degree it may be, but its maximum effect is experienced during the phase, sub-phase, sub-sub-phase etc. of the concerned planets or that related to it by deposition or aspect. Moreover, the effect of transit of malefic planets, natural or positional, by deposition or aspect on any Bhava, its lord, significator planet for the same, Sun, Moon etc. may develop diseases related to the planets in transit. However, in all cases the healing influence of natural benefics and particularly of Jupiter will be helpful towards recovery.
Recourse to healing for any disease may be taken both medically and also astrologically, particularly so after diagnosing the root cause of the disease from astrological point of view which is adopted at present by many physicians also.    

1 comment:

  1. Sir
    Kindly help me in advising the causes and solution to acute health problems being increasingly faced by me in life.
    Will be highly grateful and indebted to you for removing the sufferings and constraints so that I can fulfil goals & use of this life.
    DOB: 21-Sep-1966
    Time: 21:40 hours
    Place of birth: New Delhi
