Friday, 2 November 2012

Blood Sugar

Astrological factors of Blood sugar
Blood is composed of red corpuscles and some watery part which in Astrology are characterized by Mars and Moon respectively. The three watery signs of the Zodiac viz. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are also related with blood. Venus and Moon signifying sweetness in Astrology are considered to be chief factors responsible for blood sugar. As usual, the Ascendant and its lord, the Sun, the Moon, the sixth house and its lord, the sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo and its lord should be more or less involved in the disease. Benefic influence of Jupiter may contribute to healing while Rahu, if related with the disease, may aggravate the situation.  

Case 1:


Jup 24®

Moon 8
Mars 8
Rahu 8
        Birth:- 20/10/1962
10:00 p.m. (Kolkata)
Balance Saturn Dasa up to 27/04/1976

Sat 22
Ketu 22
Hers 10
Pluto 11

Merc 13

Nept 15
Sun 14

Ven 17

The native is born under Gemini rising. In Astrology, the planet considered responsible for blood sugar is Venus and the house responsible for disease is the sixth house. The planets responsible for blood are Mars and the Moon together with the three watery signs of the Zodiac. In this case, the sign Cancer is occupied by the lord Moon, debilated sixth lord Mars and Rahu and aspected by Saturn from the eighth house in combination with Ketu. The sixth house of the natal chart viz. Scorpio is occupied by Venus in its inimical sign and is aspected by Rahu. The third watery sign Pisces is also afflicted by Rahu, Saturn and Mercury due to aspect. The Ascendant itself is aspected by Rahu as also by Jupiter which is both maraka and badhaka for the Ascendant. Thus, all the criteria for diseases relating to blood and particularly blood sugar being present, the native started suffering from the same since the advent of Venus Dasa.    

Case 2:

Rahu 7

Merc 4

Sun 2

Ven 26

Birth:- 11/05/1982
11:45 a.m.(Barasat)
Balance Ketu Dasa up to 08/05/1988

Mars 12®
Sat 13®
            Jup 15®
Pluto 14®

Hers 17®
Moon 19
Ketu 20

Case Study: -
The native’s mother is a patient of high blood sugar, but by proper treatment the disease is kept under control. As the consequence of the disease she had on her legs a skin disease developed.

Analysis: -
The native’s mother should be judged from the fourth house i.e. the sign Libra of the natal chart since the native is a male being. Therefore, the Ascendant lord Venus is posted in the sixth house in exaltation exchanging house with the sixth lord Jupiter posted in Libra. Venus is aspected by strong malefics Saturn and strong maraka Mars, both being retrograde, posted in the twelfth house which is the sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo. Moon is combined with Ketu in the third house in the fiery sign Saggitarius and aspected by exalted Rahu in Gemini and retrograde Mars combined with Saturn. These factors rendered the native’s mother a patient of blood sugar. The twelfth house being the sixth sign Virgo, the significator of skin, is occupied by Saturn, the significator of legs, combined with the maraka Mars, the significator of blood in inimical sign the lady developed skin disease on legs due to impurity of blood.

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