Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Astrological factors for Ear disease

In the Zodiac i.e. in the chart for Kalpurusha, the third sign rules over the ears of the body because the third sign Gemini being airy in nature signifies medium of communication of sound waves and it also signifies the aerial movement in the human body. Its lord Mercury is characterized as the medium for all sorts of communication. The sign being dual in nature signifies to-and-fro motion of air for both way communications. Accordingly, the third house and its lord of any natal chart signify the ears of the native. The third house represents in particular the right ear and the eleventh house left ear. In accordance with this, the third sign Gemini signifies the right ear in general and the eleventh sign Aquarius which is also an airy sign signifies the left ear. Therefore, afflictions of these houses, signs, their lords by malefics like Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu etc. give rise to different diseases for ears, the exact nature of disease being determined by the nature of the afflicting planets. The above principles are exemplified with the following cases: -
Case 1:







Case Study:-
The native is a deaf and dumb.

The native is a Capricornian. The second house is occupied by secondary maraka Moon combined with Rahu and devoid of benefic influence. The second lord Saturn is combined with malefic Mars and the combination aspects the third lord Jupiter in its negative house Pisces. Mercury, the significator for communication is in the twelfth house and aspected by strong enemy Mars combined with Saturn and devoid of benefic influence. The second house of the Zodiac is Taurus and its lord Venus is hemmed between malefics and aspected by Rahu. The third sign of the Zodiac viz. Gemini, which is also the sixth house of the natal chart, is aspected by Rahu combined with Moon, malefic Saturn combined with Mars and also by the lord Mercury which itself is posted in the twelfth house in the inimical sign Saggitarius and aspected by strong enemy Mars combined with Saturn. The sixth sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo is occupied by Saturn and Mars and aspected by benefic Jupiter. Thus, all the factors signifying speech and hearing are afflicted by malefics causing the native to be a deaf and dumb.  
Case 2:


Rahu 26
Sun 25
     Moon 23
Merc 25
Jup 23

Ven  22
Sat 11®

    Mars 13®
Ketu 13

It is the chart of a lady born under Gemini Ascendant. The third house is occupied by eighth lord and malefic Saturn in inimical sign and the third lord Sun is combined with Rahu in watery sign and aspected by sixth/eleventh lord Mars combined with Ketu. The Ascendant itself which is the third sign of the Zodiac, however, is aspected by benefic Jupiter combined with Moon and Mercury posted in the sign Aquarius representing the left ear. As the result, the native is short of hearing in the right ear but due to the influence of Mercury and Jupiter, the native can continue her work.

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